<aside> 💡 Initially written for EAG Bay Area February 2024


What is this project?

TL;DR: International AI governance workshop between economic policymakers of the Asia-Pacific region.


The Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) is a side organization of APEC. It’s a multi-stakeholder instutional think-tank, bringing together academia, businesses and governments to

This organization includes countries in the Asia-Pacific region which are strategic for AI, such as China and the US.

The PECC committees regularly organize workshops to present important economic topics of the region (eg. deep sea mining in the Pacific).

The workshop

Nicolas Miailhe (The Future Society: AI gov think tank) got the support from the French, American and Singaporean committees to organize a workshop on AI governance.

The workshop will happen in San Francisco, on September 18 and 19.

Theory of Change

Workshop direct outcomes

Longer term outcomes caused by the workshop

  1. AI safety summit in France is more pro safety
  2. APEC will work on AI safety and lead to international cooperation
  3. Other international organizations like APEC, OECD, European Commission work more on AI safety